Ahsan Habib
Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Green University of Bangladesh, Dhaka-1207
E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile No: +88-01720388768, +88-01926874551
Research Experience
2020: Working on ‘Bangladesh Online Extremism Mapping’ implemented by Strong Cities Network, An Initiative of Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD).
2020: Working on ‘Multi-agency Model for Preventing Violent Extremism’ implemented by Strong Cities Network, An Initiative of Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD).
2020: Socio-economic Expert, In-depth Monitoring Research on Vertical Extension of Circuit House’s in 37 Districts, Implemented by Ministry of Public Administration, Funded by Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Department (IMED), Ministry of Planning, GoB.
2020: Academic Research on Tobacco Cultivation in Lalmonirhat District: An Anthropological Exploration of Causes and Socio-Economic Consequences, under the Supervision of Dr. Abul Hossain, Associate Professor and Chairperson, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Green University of Bangladesh.
2020: Academic Research on Recent Paddy Price Fall and its impact on agrarian structure and socio-economic status of paddy farmer, under the Supervision of Dr. Abul Hossain, Associate Professor and Chairperson, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Green University of Bangladesh.
2019: Principal Researcher, Baseline Survey on Socio-Economic Condition of Vulnerable Group in Rajarhaat, Kurigram, Funded by Jointly APON Foundation and South Breeze Corporation, Dhaka.
2019: Researcher, Baseline Survey on Socio-Economic and Health Status of Urban Slum Children, Funded by APON Foundation.
2019: Researcher, Impact Evaluation Research on 19 Regional Passport Office (Second Revised), Implemented by Ministry of Home Affairs, Funded by Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Department (IMED), Ministry of Planning, GoB.
2018: Researcher, Qualitative Evaluation Study on Sharique: Good Governance and Administration Project, Funded by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Implemented by Helvetas: Swiss Development Organization, Under the Supervision of Dr, Abul Hossain, Associate Professor and Chairman, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Green University of Bangladesh, 220/D, Begum Rokeya Sarani, Dhaka-12047.
2018: Researcher, Urban Governance and Contentious Politics in Dhaka City, Under the Supervision of Dr, Abul Hossain, Associate Professor and Chairman, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Green University of Bangladesh, 220/D, Begum Rokeya Sarani, Dhaka-12047.
2018: Principle Researcher, Knowledge Assessment of Faith Leaders and Professionals to Promote Religious Harmony, Management Systems International (MSI) and Council for Social Development Foundation (CSDF).
2017: Researcher, Unfold Crisis of Women in RMG Sector, Funded by Share Biz, Dhaka-12015.
2016: Researcher, Role of Nakshikantha as folk art for Creating Rural Employment: A Case Study from Jamalpur and Jessor District, Centre for Development and Cultural Heritage Research (CDCHR), Funded by Planning Commission, Ministry of Planning,
2016: Researcher, Sociological Inquiry of Bengali Folk Song Foloi, Centre for Development and Cultural Heritage Research (CDCHR), Funded by Planning Commission, Ministry of Planning, Bangladesh.
April, 2015 to June, 2015 (3 Months): Associate Researcher, Lesson Learned Study on Combating Violence Against Women and Girls (CVAWG) Program, ManusherJonno Foundation (MJF), Dhaka.
June, 2014 to June, 2016: Research Assistant, Parliamentary effectiveness: Public engagement for poverty reduction in Bangladesh and Ethiopia, A project of Hansard Society, UK and University of London (SOAS), UK, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Zahir Uddin Ahmed, Dept. of Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University.
June, 2015 to February, 2016 (8 Months): Researcher, The numbers and characteristics of pilgrims in Bangladesh, Funded by King Sultan Foundation, Saudi Arabia.
June, 2015 to February, 2016 (8 Months): Researcher, Hajj and Pilgrims in Bangladesh: Organization, Policy and Transformation, Funded by King Sultan Foundation, Saudi Arabia.
June, 2013 to December, 2014 (18 Months): Research Assistant, Small-scale Irrigators in Noakhali in Bangladesh, A project of University of Sussex, UK, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. ZahirUddin Ahmed, Dept. of Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University.
21 July, 2012 to 30 July, 2013 (1 Year): Researcher, Different Output Based Impact Analysis of Health Service Provider Institutions’, Research Academia International, Savar, Dhaka.
15 June, 2012 to 15 July, 2012 (1 Month): Research Assistant, Bangladesh Urban Health Landscape Analysis, Centre for Injury Prevention and Research in Bangladesh (CIPRB), Mohakhali, Dhaka.
01 January, 2010 to 10 June, 2010 (6 Months): Research Assistant, Savar: As a Probable Tourism Area, funded by Asiatic Society of Bangladesh.
Self Funded Research
1. Conflict and Cohesion: Reverse Realities among Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh 2. Anthrozoology: Emerging Perspectives of Bangladesh (Continuing)
3. Livelihoods of Urban Mobile Paid Labourer (Continuing)
4. Ethnographic Study on Munda People of Moulvibazar (Finished).
Publication Highlights
Abul Hossain and Ahsan Habib (2020). Paddy Cultivators: New Dimension of Crisis (In Bengali). Tangon, Dhaka.
Research articles
Ahsan Habib and Abu Bakar Siddiq (2019). Social network as livelihood strategy of floating labourers of Dhaka Metropolitan, Bangladesh. Artuklu Human and Social Science Journal 4 (1), 43-50.
Abul Hossain and Ahsan Habib (2019). Dynamics of Local Government and Governance in the Context of Bangladesh. Green University Review of Social Science, Vol. 5, Issue-1.
Ahsan Habib, Fahmida Hossain, Tahsina Ferdous, and Khalilullah Muhammad Bayezid, (2018) Social Networks and Social Ties: Changing Trends among Urban Dwellers in Bangladesh. Open Access Library Journal, 5, 1-12. doi: 10.4236/oalib.1104604.
Abu Bakar Siddiq, Ahsan Habib & Adil Hasan Chowdhury (2018). ‘Hunting gathering subsistence of Munda tribe in tropical rainforest of northeastern Bangladesh’, Rajshahi University Journal of Culture and Society, Vol 1(1).
Abu Bakar Siddiq and Ahsan Habib (2017). ‘The Formation of Bengal Civilization: A Glimpse on the Socio-Cultural Assimilations through Political Progressions in Bengal Delta’, Artuklu Human and Social Science Journal 2 (2): 1- 12.
Abu Bakar Siddiq and Ahsan Habib (2017). ‘Antropoloji’de Ortaya Çıkan Çok Disiplinli Güçlü Bir Alt Bilim: Antrozooloji (Anthrozoology –An Emerging Robust Multidisciplinary Subfield of Anthropological Science)’, Artuklu Human and Social Science Journal 2 (1): 22-35.
Abu Bakar Siddiq and Ahsan Habib (2017). ‘Anthrozoology –An Emerging Robust Multidisciplinary Subfield of Anthropological Science’, Green University Review of Social Science, Vol. 3, Issue-1, 45-68.
Abu Bakar Siddiq & Ahsan Habib (2016). ‘Ethno-archaeological notes on hunter gatherer Munda people in tropical rainforest of northeastern Bangladesh’, Artuklu Human and Social Science Journal 1 (1): 13-21.
Ahsan Habib & Asif Mizan(2016). ‘Current Notion of Rural Power Structure: An Analysis from a Bangladeshi Village’, Asian Studies: Jahangirnagar University Journal of Government and Politics, Vol. 35, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh.
Ahsan Habib (2015). ‘Urban Livelihood Strategy and Role of Social Capital among the Mobile Wage Labor in Dhaka City in Bangladesh’, Journal of History and Civilization, Department of Islamic History and Civilization, Vol. 2, Asian University of Bangladesh.
Zahir Ahmed & Ahsan Habib (2015). ‘The Livelihoods Approach and Innovation of Small Scale Irrigation in Noakhali Char area in Bangladesh’, The Journal of Social Studies, Vol. 147, Centre for Social Studies, Dhaka.
Ahsan Habib (2014). ‘Transformation of Rural Power Structure’ (In Bengali), In: Zahir Ahmed (ed.) Anthropological Approaches to Contemporary Bangladesh, Society for Anthropological Research, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Book Review
Ahsan Habib (2017), Bangladesh Studies, Originally Written by Md. Thowhidul Islam, Md. Enayet Ullah Patwary and Md. Cholem Ullah, Published by BIIT, Dhaka 1230, pp. 355, ISBN: 978-984-8471-59-3, Bangladesh Journal of Islamic Thought, 13(20), 2017: 93-112, ISSN 1816-689X.
Ahsan Habib & Abu Bakar Siddiq (2017), Islame Samaj Biggan (Sociology in Islam) Originally Written by Dr. M. Muslehuddin and Dr. Ismail Raji al-Faruqi, Published by BIIT, Dhaka-1230, Bangladesh Journal of Islamic Thought, Vol. 13, No. 19, 81-86.
Conference/Seminar Paper
(2018). ‘Biswa Ijtema and Akheri Munajat: An Anthropological Exploration as Intangible Cultural Heritage’, International seminar on ‘Heritage of South & South East Asia: Issues on Musealisation’ under ‘UGC-UPE II Project under focus area : India Looking East’, Department of Museology, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India.
(2018). ‘Ramifications of political decadence: The rise of extremism in Bangladesh’, Mahatma Gandhi International Congress on Multidisciplinary Studies, September 25-28, 2018, New Delhi – INDIA.
(2014). ‘Changing Nature of Rural Power Structure in Bangladesh: A Foucauldian Analysis’, First International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities, Centre for Social Science and Research (CSSR), Independent University of Bangladesh (IUB).
Ahsan Habib & Ranjan Partho (2016). ‘Indigenous Understanding of Textual Knowledge: A Case from the Book of ‘Agricultural Studies’, International Conference on Teaching and Learning (ICTL), Centre for Pedagogy (CP), Independent University of Bangladesh.
Anwar Hossain & Ahsan Habib (2014). ‘Changing Gender Relation and End of Domestic Violence: A Case of Professional Women in Dhaka City’, First International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities, Centre for Social Science and Research (CSSR), Independent University of Bangladesh (IUB).
Research (Unpublished)
1. Plants and Animal Based Therapies in Bangladesh.
2. Resistance, Regeneration and Reformation of Women: A Study/Review of The Breadwinner
3. Ramifications of political decadence: the rise of religious extremism in Bangladesh
4. Premarital and Extramarital Relationships among the Slum Dwellers
Working Paper (Unpublished)
(2019). Mobile Paid Labour in Dhaka City: Livelihood, Problem and Prospects (2018). Muslims, Emerging Extremism and Crisis of Religious Identity in Bangladesh (2017). Livelihood Diversification and Social Network among Day Laborers in Dhaka City in Bangladesh
(2017). Resistance, regeneration and reformation: A Sociological Review of The Breadwinner.
Professional Experience on Extremism
◻ Working on ‘Preventing Violent Extremism’ as a Bangladesh Coordinator of Strong Cities Network, Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) from 1st July to present.
◻ Technical Advisor, Social Mobilization of Youth for Lessening Extremism (SMYLE) project in 2018-2019 under SAMPREETI project of Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF) Funded by The Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF).
◻ Advisor of Empowering Female Students with Peace Building Skills project of Council for Social Development Foundation (CSDF), Funded by USAID’s Obirodh: Road to Tolerance Program.
Teaching Experience
June 01, 2018 to Present: Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Green University of Bangladesh, Dhaka-1207.
May 31, 2016 to Present: Senior Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Green University of Bangladesh, Dhaka-1207.
January 20, 2012 to May 30, 2016: Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Asian University of Bangladesh, Uttara, Dhaka.
January, 2013 to April, 2014: Part-time Lecturer, General Education (GED) section, Department of Business Administration, Bangladesh Islamic University, Dhaka.
2009-2010 MSS in Anthropology (Score: 3.54/4)
Thesis title: Food security in rural Bangladesh: In the context of a village of Madaripur district, Bangladesh.
2005 – 2009 BSS in Anthropology (Score: 3.60/4)
Department of Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh.
Dissertation title: Changing pattern of rural power structure in 21st century: In the context of a Bangladeshi village.
Department of Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh.
2005 Alim Examination (Score: 4.25 /5)
Group: Humanities, Board: Madrasha
2004 (Improvement) Dakhil Examination (Score: 4.25 /5)
Group: Humanities, Board: Madrasha
Courses Offered
2020: Research Methodology I, Research Methodology II, Medical Sociology, Gender and Society, Peasant Society, Social Structure of Bangladesh.
2019: Social Inequality, Research Methodology I, Research Methodology II, Gender and Development, Medical Sociology, Peasant Society, Social Structure of Bangladesh.
2018: Language and Anthropology, Social Inequality, Bangladesh Studies, Social Problems, Research Methodology I, Research Methodology II, Sustainable Development, Social Statistics, Gender and Development, Medical Sociology.
2017: Language and Anthropology, Social Forestry, Bangladesh Studies, Social Problems, Research Methodology I, Research Methodology II, Sustainable Development, Social Statistics.
2016: Social Anthropology, Methods of Social Research-1, Methods of Social Research-2, Introduction to Anthropology, Introduction to Women Studies, Social Inequality, Sustainable Development, Language and Anthropology, Bangladesh Studies.
2015: Social Anthropology, Methods of Social Research-1, Methods of Social Research-2, Comparative Social System, Introduction to Anthropology, Introduction to Women Studies.
2014: Health and Environment, Social Anthropology, Methods of Social Research-1, Methods of Social Research-2, Comparative Social System.
2013: Introduction Sociology, Methods of Social Research-2, Social Anthropology, Health and Environment, Introduction to Women Studies.
2012: Introduction to Anthropology, Methods of Social Research-1, Comparative Social System, Social Anthropology.
Professional Training and Certificate
• Successfully completed 4 months long certificate course on Certificate in Teaching and Learning (CTL), Green University Centre of Excellence for Teaching and Learning, Green University of Bangladesh.
• Attended to the BNCC winter collective training 2006-2007 (3 weeks) organized by Bangladesh Army.
• Attended to VDP fundamental training during 09.08.2003 to 20.08.2003 organized by Home Ministry.
• A week long training course on Feature writing during 07.02.2008 to 14.02.2008 by Centre for Advance Media (CAM)
Co-curricular Activities and Professional Affiliation
• Moderator, Green University Social Bonding Club.
• Mentor Moderator, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Green University Mentorship Program.
• Co-founder and executive member, Conscious Consumers Society (CCS). • Executive Member, Apon Foundation
• Ex Member to the Jahangirnagar University Journalists’ Association (JUJA). • Ex Member (Rotaractor) of Rotaract Club of Jahangirnagar Dhaka, (Students’ wing of Rotary International).
• Ex-member (Cadet) of Bangladesh National Cadet Core (BNCC), JU Contingent.
• Ex Member of “Jahangirnagar Theater”, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342.
Personal Profile
Full name : Ahsan Habib
Father’s Name : Abdul Kader Sardar
Mother’s Name : Nurjahan
Date of birth : 12.10.1988, Madaripur, Bangladesh.
Marital Status : Married
Religion : Muslim (Sunni)
Nationality : Bangladeshi by Birth
Passport no : BN 0315294
Present Address : House # 202/4/A, West Kafrul,
Taltola, Agargaon, Dhaka-1207
Permanent Address : Vill: Kalai Sardarer Char, PO: Enayet Nagar PS: Kalkini, District- Madaripur.
Dr. Abul Hossen
Associate Professor and Chairperson Department of Sociology & Anthropology Green University of Bangladesh
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Mobile: +880 1716 972908
Dr. Abu Bakar Siddiq
Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology Mardin Artuklu University, Turkey Email: [email protected] Mobile: +90 551 723 17 98
Ahsan Habib